GERALDI,M. S.; BAVARESCO, M.V.; TRIANA, M. A.; MELO, A. P.; LAMBERTS, R. Addressing the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on energy use in municipal buildings: A case study in Florianópolis, Brazil. Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 69. June 2021.
Comparison between national and local benchmarking models: The case of public nursery schools in Southern Brazil
GNECCO, V. M.; GERALDI,M. S.; FOSSATI, M.; TRIANA, M. A. Comparison between national and local benchmarking models: The case of public nursery schools in Southern Brazil. Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol.78. March 2022.
Assessment of the building stock performance to obtain requirements for energy codes
GERALDI, M. S.; TRIANA, M. A.; SOUZA, L. P.; MENDES, L.; MELO, A. P.; LAMBERTS, R. Assessment of the building stock performance to obtain requirements for energy codes. In: PLEA, Santiago, 2022.
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Assessment of the building stock performance to obtain requirements for energy codes
Roadmap towards energy-efficient buildings at a city perspective
TRIANA, M. A.; GERALDI, M. S.; MELO, A. P.; LAMBERTS, R. Roadmap towards energy-efficient buildings at a city perspective In: PLEA, Santiago, 2022.
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